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Hey There

UpLeatherDesigns is where vision and creativity collide. Bringing you limited stock drops of one-of-a-kind, sophisticated leather goods, handcrafted on Vancouver Island. Our attention to detail and unique designs are inimitable. With quality that sets new standards.

Our Story

Hello Everyone and thank you for the support thus far! We are so happy that you stopped by to check out our website, a lot of hard work and planning has gone into creating this vision for UpLeatherDesigns. I am so grateful for my team that has helped me get to this point and are my daily motivation to build this dream. 


I have always been an extremely creative individual and love creating with my hands. Leather craft is where my vision and creative nature collide and manifest into true artistry.  


Since a young age we have both loved fashion and the design behind it and this shows in our designs, a sophisticated, clean look for those who want to make a statement. Brooke and I have always lived against the grain and done things our own way, untethered to any opinions or guidelines set out. We have a unique taste and style of our own and are proud of these qualities. This is how we came up with our name; Unparalleled Designs. Creating one-of-a-kind pieces that stand out in a crowd. 


Brooke and I both spent most of our childhood growing up in a small town in Saskatchewan. Brooke in Muenster, Sk and myself in Clavet, SK. We have big dreams and always have, we don't let anything stand in our way. This past year we accomplished one of our big dreams which was moving permanently to Vancouver Island, BC. We have big dreams for this brand and we are just getting started so stick around for the ride and subscribe to stay in the loop, cause there is lots to come!


                                                                                            -Logan Fedoriuk

Logan Fedoriuk


I am the designer of all UpLeatherDesigns products. Which means I source our materials for all projects. I create all off our templates from scratch for all designs out of our shop. I also direct our videography and help with our product photography. 

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Brooke Perry

All of the above

Brooke is my girlfriend of 6 years and my other half. She is the brains behind designing this website, product photography/videography/branding, our  social media and marketing. Other duties include design consultant, bookkeeper and occasional leatherworker and ensuring all business operations run smoothly. 

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